Safe Routes to School: Rosedale Elementary School Crossing

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We invite you to explore the Safe Routes to School project near Rosedale Elementary School that will be constructed this summer.

This project will increase pedestrian safety within the walk boundary of the school. Provide feedback, ask questions, and learn about how this project is making our community safer.

Check out the Design Plan link below to see the extent of improvements.

Improvements near Rosedale Elementary

Improvements will affect portions of SE Century Blvd and SE Davis Road.

This project will:

High visibility crossing location at the SE Davis St intersection
  • Add a mid-block crosswalk with a raised median refuge island along SE Century Blvd. between SE Davis Rd. and SE Damask St.
  • Add a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and additional lighting at the mid-block crosswalk.
  • Add a high visibility crosswalk across SE Davis Rd. at the intersection with SE Century Blvd

Design Plan (PDF)

Past Open House
June 11, 2024 @ Century Oaks Park
If you missed the open house, you can always chat with project staff about the planned improvements and ask questions using the comment section at the bottom of this page.

Updates shared:

Project Timeline

We invite you to explore the Safe Routes to School project near Rosedale Elementary School that will be constructed this summer.

This project will increase pedestrian safety within the walk boundary of the school. Provide feedback, ask questions, and learn about how this project is making our community safer.

Check out the Design Plan link below to see the extent of improvements.

Improvements near Rosedale Elementary

Improvements will affect portions of SE Century Blvd and SE Davis Road.

This project will:

High visibility crossing location at the SE Davis St intersection
  • Add a mid-block crosswalk with a raised median refuge island along SE Century Blvd. between SE Davis Rd. and SE Damask St.
  • Add a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and additional lighting at the mid-block crosswalk.
  • Add a high visibility crosswalk across SE Davis Rd. at the intersection with SE Century Blvd

Design Plan (PDF)

Past Open House
June 11, 2024 @ Century Oaks Park
If you missed the open house, you can always chat with project staff about the planned improvements and ask questions using the comment section at the bottom of this page.

Updates shared:

Project Timeline

Comments and Questions

Please reach out to us and share comments or ask any questions you have about the upcoming safety improvements.

Please Note: Questions asked here may be published publicly along with their response from the City of Hillsboro. If you would like to ask your question privately, please visit the Who’s Listening section of this page to find staff member contact information.

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Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 11:39 AM