Shute Road Multi-Use Path
Past Open House
June 17, 2024 @ Brookwood Library
If you missed the recent open house, you can always chat with project staff about the planned improvements and ask questions using the comment section at the bottom of this page.
Shute Road is an important connector street in Hillsboro. However, it is currently lacking bicycle facilities from the Dawson Creek crossing to Cornell Road. The City of Hillsboro plans to improve Shute Road between Brookwood Parkway and Cornell Road.
The proposed improvements will include the following features:
- Retaining the existing sidewalk along the east side of Shute Road
- Constructing a new 12’ wide multi-use path along the west side of Shute Road
- New streetlights along the multi-use path to meet current standards
- Updated storm water improvements to provide better conveyance and water quality treatment for existing untreated areas.
- Removal and replacement of select street trees
These improvements will create a complete link for pedestrian and cyclist use along Shute Road from Cornell to Brookwood.
What is a Multi-Use-Path (MUP)?
A Multi-Use Path (MUP) or Shared Use Path is an off-road infrastructure that physically separates motorized vehicles from other modes of transportation such as bicycles. The versatility of the Shute Road MUP will serve as a safe and functional space for all community members to travel by various means. These paths are designed to accommodate two-way, non-vehicular traffic and can accommodate pedestrians and cyclists alike.
How will the Shute Road Multi-Use-Path increase safety for commuters?
The City of Hillsboro strives to create solutions where residents can access safe and comfortable transportation options. The Shute Road MUP helps further that initiative by creating an alternative space for cyclists and pedestrians without the need to share space with large, motorized vehicles, reducing the number of crashes and potential accidents.
The design of the Shute Road MUP hinges on exceptional user experience and overall improvement of the space along the west side of Shute Road. While an individual’s use of this path may invariably overlap at times with other’s using the path, the expansive 10-12-foot-wide footprint allows for everyone to enjoy the path safely with limited congestion and a reduced risk of collision.
In addition to creating a more walkable and bikeable space, the construction of the path will narrow the overall width of Shute Road, reducing overall speeds and provide traffic calming on Shute Road.
The full project is estimated to cost approximately $6 million and will be funded completely by Intel as part of their recent expansion at Ronler Acres.
Traffic During Construction
Shute Road will remain open to two-way traffic during construction. Portions of the existing sidewalk and multi-use path will be closed while constructing the new multi-use path. Don’t worry there will always be one sidewalk open at all times!
Construction Update
Construction crews are making great progress!
New curbs and the multi-use path have been installed between Airport Road and Farmcrest Street.
Storm sewer installation continues between Tandem Way and Airport Road.
The Signal Pole foundations at Dawson Creek (4) are complete. We are progressing with electrical work including light pole bases, conduit, pedestrian push button foundations and street lighting.
Sidewalks and ADA ramp concrete placement is still underway.
Construction activity over the holidays may be lighter than normal. Temporary traffic control measures will remain in place. Please be vigilant while traveling through the corridor as traffic volumes remain and traffic patterns are ever changing.