Year-Round Shelter

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The City is leading with compassion to meet the needs of all members of our community by reducing homelessness through collaborative and proven solutions, including creating adequate options for year-round shelter with rapid pathways to housing.

To address the community's critical need for more shelter space and safe sleeping options, the City acquired property at the corner of SW 17th Avenue and TV Highway to create a future year-round shelter. The property currently includes ample greenspace, parking areas, and two vacant buildings.

As the Year-Round Shelter Project moves forward, the temporary Safe Rest Pods on SW 17th Avenue are providing safe sleeping spaces and support services on the property through late summer or fall 2024.

See the New Designs

New artist renderings shared in July, 2024 include:

  • Updated community room designs

  • Images of indoor congregate sleeping spaces & shared bathrooms

  • A full design plan for the congregate shelter building

  • Individual pod shelter designs & expanded exterior plans

View the previous May 2024 early artist renderings to see what's new.

While the shelter's first design concepts were shared in January 2023, plans have been updated significantly under a design-build contract that aims to keep the project within budget as costs for labor and materials fluctuate.

Design and timeline are both subject to change as the project evolves.

Engaging Our Community

Ongoing community engagement began in spring 2022 with stakeholder focus groups and continued with a community-wide survey that closed in March 2024.

Community feedback collected from will inform:

  • Shelter design, architecture, and amenities

  • Selection of a shelter operator

  • Elements of the shelter's Good Neighbor Agreement

See the focus group and survey results, check out the updated project timeline, and ask us a question below.

The City is leading with compassion to meet the needs of all members of our community by reducing homelessness through collaborative and proven solutions, including creating adequate options for year-round shelter with rapid pathways to housing.

To address the community's critical need for more shelter space and safe sleeping options, the City acquired property at the corner of SW 17th Avenue and TV Highway to create a future year-round shelter. The property currently includes ample greenspace, parking areas, and two vacant buildings.

As the Year-Round Shelter Project moves forward, the temporary Safe Rest Pods on SW 17th Avenue are providing safe sleeping spaces and support services on the property through late summer or fall 2024.

See the New Designs

New artist renderings shared in July, 2024 include:

  • Updated community room designs

  • Images of indoor congregate sleeping spaces & shared bathrooms

  • A full design plan for the congregate shelter building

  • Individual pod shelter designs & expanded exterior plans

View the previous May 2024 early artist renderings to see what's new.

While the shelter's first design concepts were shared in January 2023, plans have been updated significantly under a design-build contract that aims to keep the project within budget as costs for labor and materials fluctuate.

Design and timeline are both subject to change as the project evolves.

Engaging Our Community

Ongoing community engagement began in spring 2022 with stakeholder focus groups and continued with a community-wide survey that closed in March 2024.

Community feedback collected from will inform:

  • Shelter design, architecture, and amenities

  • Selection of a shelter operator

  • Elements of the shelter's Good Neighbor Agreement

See the focus group and survey results, check out the updated project timeline, and ask us a question below.

What questions do you have for us?

Please Note: Questions asked here may be published publicly along with their response from the City of Hillsboro. If you would like to ask your question privately, please visit the Who's Listening section of this page to find staff member contact information.

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  • Share A repeat question about the use of about 40% of the "shelter" site for parking. Why is there any parking in the plan? How many of those using the shelter will have automobiles or other vehicles requiring parking spaces?? And if there are a few users with vehicles, just across the street is the enormous MOST -EMPTY WinCo parking lot. Just take a look at the architect's rendering!! The underused WinCo parking lot is clearly illustrated. Use the entire property to provide the critically needed shelter units. Put the parking, if needed at all, across the street. on Facebook Share A repeat question about the use of about 40% of the "shelter" site for parking. Why is there any parking in the plan? How many of those using the shelter will have automobiles or other vehicles requiring parking spaces?? And if there are a few users with vehicles, just across the street is the enormous MOST -EMPTY WinCo parking lot. Just take a look at the architect's rendering!! The underused WinCo parking lot is clearly illustrated. Use the entire property to provide the critically needed shelter units. Put the parking, if needed at all, across the street. on Twitter Share A repeat question about the use of about 40% of the "shelter" site for parking. Why is there any parking in the plan? How many of those using the shelter will have automobiles or other vehicles requiring parking spaces?? And if there are a few users with vehicles, just across the street is the enormous MOST -EMPTY WinCo parking lot. Just take a look at the architect's rendering!! The underused WinCo parking lot is clearly illustrated. Use the entire property to provide the critically needed shelter units. Put the parking, if needed at all, across the street. on Linkedin Email A repeat question about the use of about 40% of the "shelter" site for parking. Why is there any parking in the plan? How many of those using the shelter will have automobiles or other vehicles requiring parking spaces?? And if there are a few users with vehicles, just across the street is the enormous MOST -EMPTY WinCo parking lot. Just take a look at the architect's rendering!! The underused WinCo parking lot is clearly illustrated. Use the entire property to provide the critically needed shelter units. Put the parking, if needed at all, across the street. link

    A repeat question about the use of about 40% of the "shelter" site for parking. Why is there any parking in the plan? How many of those using the shelter will have automobiles or other vehicles requiring parking spaces?? And if there are a few users with vehicles, just across the street is the enormous MOST -EMPTY WinCo parking lot. Just take a look at the architect's rendering!! The underused WinCo parking lot is clearly illustrated. Use the entire property to provide the critically needed shelter units. Put the parking, if needed at all, across the street.

    Charles asked 2 months ago

    Thank you for your question regarding our Year-Round Shelter Project and for your patience as we gathered information to facilitate an informative response. 


    We included parking in the plan to accommodate shelter guests with vehicles, shelter staff, volunteers, and specialized service providers who may be onsite to provide housing navigation and other support services.


    While the Winco parking lot is nearby, it is privately owned and therefore not available for use by the City of Hillsboro. 


    Our design-build recently team provided us with new preliminary design concepts, which indicate that we’ll have 28 parking spaces to accommodate staff, specialized service providers, volunteers, and up to 75 shelter guests, many of whom may own vehicles and depend on this transportation to go to work, run errands, or go to appointments. Please note that the artist renderings, designs, and plans are subject to change as the project evolves.                                                                                                                         

    Our design-build team is working strategically to create a shelter that can meet the needs the Hillsboro community while also staying within our project budget.


    To best meet the needs of shelter guests and staff, we’ll need to utilize some of the property for parking in addition to allowing space for bicycle racks, outdoor community spaces, a pet relief area, landscaping and fencing, garbage and recycling facilities, gardening, and exercise.


    Thanks again, and we hope this information is helpful.

  • Share What equity study was used to keep people safe and engaged? on Facebook Share What equity study was used to keep people safe and engaged? on Twitter Share What equity study was used to keep people safe and engaged? on Linkedin Email What equity study was used to keep people safe and engaged? link

    What equity study was used to keep people safe and engaged?

    Kee asked about 1 month ago

    Thank you for your question! We are not sure if we fully understand what you mean by equity study in this specific context - but we can share information on community engagement that is helping to inform the project.

    Since spring 2022, the City has engaged the community to help shape the design & operation of the future Year-Round Shelter.

    42 community members participated in the spring 2022 focus groups, and 455 respondents completed the online survey, including:

    • People with lived experiences of homelessness
    • Homelessness service providers
    • Neighboring residents and businesses
    • Dairy Creek Park visitors
    • People who live, work, learn, and volunteer in Hillsboro

    Feedback will inform shelter design & amenities, selection of a shelter operator, elements of the shelter's Neighborhood Agreement/Neighborhood Plan, and ongoing community engagement & communications.

    We did hear from the community that experience applying equity principles & non-discrimination practices should be priorities as we move forward toward selection of a shelter operator

    See the Spring 2024 Community Feedback Report for the detailed results or read the April 2024 news article for a summary of top themes we heard during engagement.

    Thank you!

  • Share I am wondering if you have engaged individuals who are homeless or have been homeless to help with the planning. They would seem to have valuable information and input as to how best help the clientele. on Facebook Share I am wondering if you have engaged individuals who are homeless or have been homeless to help with the planning. They would seem to have valuable information and input as to how best help the clientele. on Twitter Share I am wondering if you have engaged individuals who are homeless or have been homeless to help with the planning. They would seem to have valuable information and input as to how best help the clientele. on Linkedin Email I am wondering if you have engaged individuals who are homeless or have been homeless to help with the planning. They would seem to have valuable information and input as to how best help the clientele. link

    I am wondering if you have engaged individuals who are homeless or have been homeless to help with the planning. They would seem to have valuable information and input as to how best help the clientele.

    Sue asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your question!

    In June 2022, selected groups of community members were invited to participate in focus groups to learn more about the project and provide feedback. 

    The first focus group was held at Open Door HousingWorks Day Center, which provides homelessness services just a mile from the planned shelter site. People with lived experiences of homelessness and homeless services providers were invited to share their thoughts in small groups, each with a dedicated facilitator and note taker. 

    The other two focus groups invited Dairy Creek park users, nearby businesses, and community members who work and live near the shelter site to provide input in the same small-group format. One was held in-person and the other was online.

    The online survey that closed March 15 mirrored the feedback questions posed in the three focus groups. 

    Feedback from the focus groups and survey will be evaluated separately and as a whole to help inform project planning.

    In October 2022, we published initial focus group feedback and online survey results here on Engage Hillsboro. This document also has more details and background information about the focus groups. 

    We’ll provide an updated community feedback report with the focus group input and the full online survey results in April.

  • Share What’s going to happen when people inside the sleeping facility start stealing from each other? Is it going to be the police to deal with that? Or will you have your own way to deal with the theft that will occur? on Facebook Share What’s going to happen when people inside the sleeping facility start stealing from each other? Is it going to be the police to deal with that? Or will you have your own way to deal with the theft that will occur? on Twitter Share What’s going to happen when people inside the sleeping facility start stealing from each other? Is it going to be the police to deal with that? Or will you have your own way to deal with the theft that will occur? on Linkedin Email What’s going to happen when people inside the sleeping facility start stealing from each other? Is it going to be the police to deal with that? Or will you have your own way to deal with the theft that will occur? link

    What’s going to happen when people inside the sleeping facility start stealing from each other? Is it going to be the police to deal with that? Or will you have your own way to deal with the theft that will occur?

    Dvmomof3 asked over 1 year ago

    A non-profit shelter operator will be selected to contract with Washington County to provide day to day staffing and operations of this facility once it is opened. This operator will be responsible for managing any conflict that arises within the facility and setting/enforcing program rules and standards. Law enforcement becomes involved if/when a violation of the law occurs. Shelter operators work closely and collaboratively with law enforcement partners whenever needed to support the safety of shelter staff, participants, and the neighborhood.

  • Share Where are the pods going to be moved to? Or are they not going ti be utilized anymore. Seems like a waste of funds for those. on Facebook Share Where are the pods going to be moved to? Or are they not going ti be utilized anymore. Seems like a waste of funds for those. on Twitter Share Where are the pods going to be moved to? Or are they not going ti be utilized anymore. Seems like a waste of funds for those. on Linkedin Email Where are the pods going to be moved to? Or are they not going ti be utilized anymore. Seems like a waste of funds for those. link

    Where are the pods going to be moved to? Or are they not going ti be utilized anymore. Seems like a waste of funds for those.

    Dvmomof3 asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out. The Safe Rest Pod structures currently in use at this site are owned by Washington County. When the temporary Safe Rest Pods on SW 17th Ave site concludes, Washington County will be removing these pod structures for use at another site within Washington County. The location of a future site for the pods has not yet been identified, but sites are being considered.

  • Share Why are the communications with surrounding neighborhoods, limited to 2000 ft or 1 mile? When neighborhoods 1.5-2 miles away, and further, in all directions; have been dealing with illegal camping, vandalism, thievery, and filth, by candidates of this shelter; for years now. Why are we expected to learn of any developments- secondhand? on Facebook Share Why are the communications with surrounding neighborhoods, limited to 2000 ft or 1 mile? When neighborhoods 1.5-2 miles away, and further, in all directions; have been dealing with illegal camping, vandalism, thievery, and filth, by candidates of this shelter; for years now. Why are we expected to learn of any developments- secondhand? on Twitter Share Why are the communications with surrounding neighborhoods, limited to 2000 ft or 1 mile? When neighborhoods 1.5-2 miles away, and further, in all directions; have been dealing with illegal camping, vandalism, thievery, and filth, by candidates of this shelter; for years now. Why are we expected to learn of any developments- secondhand? on Linkedin Email Why are the communications with surrounding neighborhoods, limited to 2000 ft or 1 mile? When neighborhoods 1.5-2 miles away, and further, in all directions; have been dealing with illegal camping, vandalism, thievery, and filth, by candidates of this shelter; for years now. Why are we expected to learn of any developments- secondhand? link

    Why are the communications with surrounding neighborhoods, limited to 2000 ft or 1 mile? When neighborhoods 1.5-2 miles away, and further, in all directions; have been dealing with illegal camping, vandalism, thievery, and filth, by candidates of this shelter; for years now. Why are we expected to learn of any developments- secondhand?

    Wendy asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out.  A one-mile radius around a proposed shelter  was found to be the most preferred distance for informing neighbors when the City of Hillsboro conducted a community survey on homelessness in October of 2021, prior to launching engagement for this site. Results of this survey can be seen on our Homelessness Initiatives Page. The mailed flyer to addresses within a one-mile radius was just the first step of engagement for this project. Creation and promotion of this page to keep the entire community informed was also launched, as well as use of print, email, and social media communication channels city wide. 

    In addition, a Good Neighbor Agreement will be in place prior to the opening of this facility. These agreements work to enhance neighborhood safety and livability while promoting access to services as well as fostering positive relationships between the shelter opertor, shelter participants, and neighbors. Community input gathered through three focus groups held in June 2022 and through the survey on this page will inform and refine the future Good Neighbor Agreement.

     We invite you to take the survey on this page to share your thoughts.

  • Share What are their transportation options available, simply because they have to go shopping and what else they have to do? Are there bicycles they have access too or does a free bus have a regular route that stops at the camp? on Facebook Share What are their transportation options available, simply because they have to go shopping and what else they have to do? Are there bicycles they have access too or does a free bus have a regular route that stops at the camp? on Twitter Share What are their transportation options available, simply because they have to go shopping and what else they have to do? Are there bicycles they have access too or does a free bus have a regular route that stops at the camp? on Linkedin Email What are their transportation options available, simply because they have to go shopping and what else they have to do? Are there bicycles they have access too or does a free bus have a regular route that stops at the camp? link

    What are their transportation options available, simply because they have to go shopping and what else they have to do? Are there bicycles they have access too or does a free bus have a regular route that stops at the camp?

    Chris asked almost 2 years ago

    Thanks for this question. This site is very near to a frequently serviced bus line that will be accesible to persons accessing the shelter. In addition, there are walkable shopping and employment opportunities in the neighborhood. 

  • Share What provisions for housing are being made for the 2023-24 winter while the construction is being finished? Pods are being removed this spring--2023--and the new facilities not available until a year later as I understand the timeline. Hopefully the property owners to the north will not face another expensive cleanup after a year of illegal camping. on Facebook Share What provisions for housing are being made for the 2023-24 winter while the construction is being finished? Pods are being removed this spring--2023--and the new facilities not available until a year later as I understand the timeline. Hopefully the property owners to the north will not face another expensive cleanup after a year of illegal camping. on Twitter Share What provisions for housing are being made for the 2023-24 winter while the construction is being finished? Pods are being removed this spring--2023--and the new facilities not available until a year later as I understand the timeline. Hopefully the property owners to the north will not face another expensive cleanup after a year of illegal camping. on Linkedin Email What provisions for housing are being made for the 2023-24 winter while the construction is being finished? Pods are being removed this spring--2023--and the new facilities not available until a year later as I understand the timeline. Hopefully the property owners to the north will not face another expensive cleanup after a year of illegal camping. link

    What provisions for housing are being made for the 2023-24 winter while the construction is being finished? Pods are being removed this spring--2023--and the new facilities not available until a year later as I understand the timeline. Hopefully the property owners to the north will not face another expensive cleanup after a year of illegal camping.

    JP72 asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out. Washington County will continue to operate seasonal winter shelter, which operates from November to May, in the winter of 2023-2024. This will provide winter shelter options while year-round shelter projects are being completed. You can read more about the current winter shelter system on Washington County’s Winter Shelters page.

  • Share Considering the shelter for homeless men is adjacent to Winco's parking lot, is the city planning to patrol the lot for safety of elderly shoppers? on Facebook Share Considering the shelter for homeless men is adjacent to Winco's parking lot, is the city planning to patrol the lot for safety of elderly shoppers? on Twitter Share Considering the shelter for homeless men is adjacent to Winco's parking lot, is the city planning to patrol the lot for safety of elderly shoppers? on Linkedin Email Considering the shelter for homeless men is adjacent to Winco's parking lot, is the city planning to patrol the lot for safety of elderly shoppers? link

    Considering the shelter for homeless men is adjacent to Winco's parking lot, is the city planning to patrol the lot for safety of elderly shoppers?

    asked about 2 years ago

    Thanks for reaching out with this question.

    The Year-Round Shelter Project will serve adults and couples experiencing homelessness — it will not be a men’s-only shelter.

    We have a variety of safety measures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of nearby residents and businesses:

    • 24/7 shelter staff will be onsite and will provide proactive support in the neighborhood near the shelter.

    • Hillsboro Police Department’s Bike Patrol team will provide street level support to the area.

    • A Good Neighbor Agreement will serve as a guide for how shelter guests and staff can work together with nearby residents and businesses to enhance neighborhood safety. The Agreement will set clear expectations and processes for resolving problems that may arise. Community input gathered through three focus groups held in June 2022 and through the survey will inform and refine the future Good Neighbor Agreement.

     We invite you to take the survey on this page to share your thoughts.

  • Share May I gather a few people from various churches in the area to come do a prayer vigil on the property before you open? We just want to bless the efforts and pray for peace, goodness, joy, and such. on Facebook Share May I gather a few people from various churches in the area to come do a prayer vigil on the property before you open? We just want to bless the efforts and pray for peace, goodness, joy, and such. on Twitter Share May I gather a few people from various churches in the area to come do a prayer vigil on the property before you open? We just want to bless the efforts and pray for peace, goodness, joy, and such. on Linkedin Email May I gather a few people from various churches in the area to come do a prayer vigil on the property before you open? We just want to bless the efforts and pray for peace, goodness, joy, and such. link

    May I gather a few people from various churches in the area to come do a prayer vigil on the property before you open? We just want to bless the efforts and pray for peace, goodness, joy, and such.

    Megan Nixon asked about 2 years ago

    Thanks for reaching out and for your desire to support this project! We welcome support from faith groups and other organizations or individuals around the city. For the Year-Round Shelter Project, we are working with Washington County to determine what pre-opening events, such as an open house or shelter tours, may be planned. We will announce those events on this Engage Hillsboro page, so please follow this project to stay in the loop. If a pre-opening event is planned for the public, your group would be welcome to attend.

Page last updated: 06 Aug 2024, 12:52 PM