Hillsboro Reads 2024 — Community Choice!

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Phase 3: Final Book Selections Announced

Community voting has ended for Hillsboro Reads 2024. With more than 600 votes cast in August and September on Engage Hillsboro and the Spanish-language platform Conectate Hillsboro, the three winning book titles are:



Young Adult:


Thank you for voting!

COMPLETED Round 2: Community Voting (August 3 – September 14)

From August 3 to September 14, community members are invited to vote on the book finalists in all three categories.

COMPLETED Round 1: Book Nominations (July 1 – 28)

From June to July 28, the community was invited to nominate the Hillsboro Reads books they wanted to read in three categories for Hillsboro Reads 2024.

Phase 3: Final Book Selections Announced

Community voting has ended for Hillsboro Reads 2024. With more than 600 votes cast in August and September on Engage Hillsboro and the Spanish-language platform Conectate Hillsboro, the three winning book titles are:



Young Adult:


Thank you for voting!

COMPLETED Round 2: Community Voting (August 3 – September 14)

From August 3 to September 14, community members are invited to vote on the book finalists in all three categories.

COMPLETED Round 1: Book Nominations (July 1 – 28)

From June to July 28, the community was invited to nominate the Hillsboro Reads books they wanted to read in three categories for Hillsboro Reads 2024.

What questions do you have for us?

Please Note: Questions asked here may be published publicly along with their response from the City of Hillsboro. If you would like to ask your question privately, please visit the Who's Listening section of this page to find staff member contact information.

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Page last updated: 20 Sep 2023, 02:29 PM