Hillsboro Reads 2024 — Community Choice!

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Phase 3: Final Book Selections Announced

Community voting has ended for Hillsboro Reads 2024. With more than 600 votes cast in August and September on Engage Hillsboro and the Spanish-language platform Conectate Hillsboro, the three winning book titles are:



Young Adult:


Thank you for voting!

COMPLETED Round 2: Community Voting (August 3 – September 14)

From August 3 to September 14, community members are invited to vote on the book finalists in all three categories.

COMPLETED Round 1: Book Nominations (July 1 – 28)

From June to July 28, the community was invited to nominate the Hillsboro Reads books they wanted to read in three categories for Hillsboro Reads 2024.

Phase 3: Final Book Selections Announced

Community voting has ended for Hillsboro Reads 2024. With more than 600 votes cast in August and September on Engage Hillsboro and the Spanish-language platform Conectate Hillsboro, the three winning book titles are:



Young Adult:


Thank you for voting!

COMPLETED Round 2: Community Voting (August 3 – September 14)

From August 3 to September 14, community members are invited to vote on the book finalists in all three categories.

COMPLETED Round 1: Book Nominations (July 1 – 28)

From June to July 28, the community was invited to nominate the Hillsboro Reads books they wanted to read in three categories for Hillsboro Reads 2024.

Page last updated: 20 Sep 2023, 02:29 PM